Factual Entertainment

How to be Old

6 x 45'
Discovering Life's Wisdom: A Journey Through Aging with Laughter and Companionship

We follow the journey of a renowned celebrity known for his extravagant lifestyle and haunted by the untimely deaths of his father and grandfather. Confronted with his mortality, he embarks on a daring experiment to understand the essence of aging.  In disguise to appear older, he immerses himself in the life of a nursing home, assuming the identity of an elderly resident. Over four weeks, he delves into the daily routines and intimate experiences of his fellow residents, seeking wisdom and insight into the complexities of growing old.

As he navigates the ups and downs of aging alongside his new companions, he discovers a tapestry of emotions, from heartwarming connections to heart-wrenching farewells. Through shared stories and shared laughter, he forms deep bonds with the residents, realising the richness of their lives and the depth of their resilience.

Regularly visited by a celebrity friend, they introduce new daily activities to bring laughter and joy to the nursing home. Together, they witness the power of human connection and the importance of cherishing every moment.

As his time in the nursing home draws to a close, he bids farewell to his temporary home and its beloved inhabitants. Departing with a newfound perspective and gratitude, he carries with him the lessons learned from his journey into the world of the elderly - one that has forever changed his outlook on life.

In De Standaard's top 5 TV shows 2024 “This show delivered beautiful, moving, honest and disarming television. An ode to endless free time, the elderly and intergenerational friendship”.