Millennials is a hilarious sketch show inspired by an Instagram sensation. The creator, once based in Brussels, turned her satirical observations into viral stock photos. The show cleverly transforms these images into uproarious scenarios, providing a fresh take on modern life.
The series invites us into the world of urban Millennials, showcasing their love for premium coffee, the juggling act of career and personal life, trendy young fathers on road bikes, and a host of finger-pointing hipsters. It humorously delves into their oversharing on social media, habit of blaming each other, and penchant for unsolicited advice.
The show features recurring characters like the value searcher, Instamom extraordinaire, and the suave lads of STØRM Agency. Viewers can expect a rollercoaster ride through dinner parties, therapy sessions, urban relocations, burnout moments, and even mid-life crises. "Millennials" captures these relatable moments with a blend of humor and absurdity, making it a witty and whimsical journey into the quirks and humor of modern urban life.
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